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Our Enemies Have WMD NOW!
By John R. Taylor
[From Dec 2004]
To those who feel it was a mistake to invade Iraq: you have failed to learn a
very important lessen in logic. As a teaching tool, let me tell you how my
daughter learned this lesson.
As a new sixteen year old driver, she was parking in a shopping center
parking lot. The space she decided to park in was an angle type and it was
angled in the other direction. As she started entering the space, my niece, who
was setting in the front passenger side, said she didn’t think they could make
it. Well, my daughter thought she could. She kept going. When she felt the car
stop and saw the white Toyota in front of her rock, she knew she had been wrong.
The lesson in logic she learned that day, and the one I hope my disgruntle
countryman will soon learn, is that the consequences of being wrong is a factor
of paramount importance in any decision. What was my daughter’s down side. If
she was wrong but continued on her course, she would cause an accident, damage
property and possible cause injury, a relatively catastrophic loss. If she was
right and could have made it, but stopped anyway, she would have to stop and
back up, a relatively small loss.
Bio of Hiram Doye Taylor Sr.
Hiram Doye
Taylor "Doye" was born on 30 Jan 1921 in Cecil Georgia. He died on 29
Oct 1975 at home with son John Taylor, in Adel, Cook Co. Georgia. The cause of
death was heart attack. He was buried on 2 Nov 1975 in Fellowship Church, Cecil,
Cook Co. Georgia. He married Frances Helen Holloway. The marriage ended in
Doye was the son of
Dempsey Day Taylor and
Mary Jane Hancock
Taylor. He was the fourth son in a family of six boys and five girls. When
he was born his mother was very sick and could not nurse or care for the new
baby. His older sister,
Robbie Nell Taylor, who had just turned eight years old 26 days before his
birth had to care for the newborn baby. Within a few hours of Doye’s birth
Robbie Nell had to go to the bathroom. They were a poor sharecropper family and
the bathroom was an outhouse. For those lucky enough to not know what an
outhouse is, it is a simple, small shack with a plank wood bench that has a hole
or two cut into it. When the family members or company went to the bathroom they
made their deposits into these holes. There was no plumbing. There weren’t even
the chemicals of a port-o-potty. Well, as the little eight year old girl was
about her business in the outhouse she laid Doye on the bench so that she could
climb up onto the bench and as little babies are prone to do, he wiggled and
fell into the hole of the outhouse. How even bad you think the bottom of an
outhouse hole is, it is far worst. Doye often said that this incident was just
notice to him that life was not going to always smell like roses.

"Somehow forgiveness, with love and tolerance, accomplishes miracles that can happen in no other way."
Gordon B. Hinckley
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
Abraham Lincoln
“The most important single thing that any Latter-day Saint ever does in this world is to marry the right person, in the right place, by the right authority.”
― Bruce R. McConkie |