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What Does Barack Obama Really Believe
By John R. Taylor
We have all heard about Barack Obama’s association with the unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.
Obama has said that Ayers was just a guy in the neighborhood and even though this has proven to be unlikely,
this association is not the undeniable, incontrovertible proof that the American people should be afraid of Barack Obama,
no matter how much John McCain wants it to be. Even if Obama’s excuses are improbable or implausible,
those who otherwise would support Obama seem to think that they are good enough.
What is baffling is that there is proof that Barack Obama is dangerous to this country but either McCain does not realize it or is
afraid to use it.
CNN, Fox News and every other talking-head in the media is trying to tell you what you should think, but you don’t need them.
You can make up your own mind. Apply simple reason and you can see for yourself if Obama has motives which he is hiding...
Will the Social Security System fail?
When FDR instigated the Social Security system there were
more than thirty people working for every retired person. Today that number is
more like three to one and will one day soon be only two to one. With more than
thirty workers paying into a system that immediately disperses those collected
funds to the currently retired or disable recipients the system works. In this
way each worker on average only is responsible for less than one thirtieth of a
retirees check. With only two workers working for each retiree, each worker is
on the average responsible for fully one half of a retiree’s check. In short, no
matter at the political talk and arguments on each side of this issue, Social
Security, as it is presently constituted, is doomed to fail.
The answer to fixing this system in the future is straight forward. Whether
using a privatized or partially privatized system or a revised public system,
the workers of today must have at least part of their money going into some
investment vehicle which takes advantage of the time value of money and
compounding interest.
"Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which sincere and meaningful repentance must be built.
If we truly seek to put away sin, we must first look to Him who is the Author of our salvation."
Ezra Taft Benson
This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government,
they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.
Abraham Lincoln
“Prayer is a great tower of strength, a pillar of unending righteousness, a mighty force that moves mountains and saves souls. Through it the sick are healed, the dead are raised, and the Holy Spirit is poured out without measure upon the faithful.”
― Bruce R. McConkie |